Luna running for safety!
As I stood there waiting for the Ladies to settled down and venture back out I began thinking. There are an amazing number of sayings that are related to chickens and eggs. There's the obvious insult to someone's bravery. Until we got the Ladies, I never realized how chicken Chickens really are. But seeing as they are prey - I guess their fear serves them well.
Then there's "Don't count your chickens before they hatch." Although we have never hatched eggs, from what I hear, it is definitely not a 100% success rate kind of enterprise. We certainly did learn that even after they hatch, some don't make it.
JiJi, Luna, Ebony, and Rosey at arrival
"Don't put all your eggs in one basket." They do break easily - ask Emma. She has been known to drop an egg on occasion.
How about figuring out the "pecking order"? I watch that on a daily basis. The Ladies are always jostling for top bird position. It was particularly noticeable when we still had Hedwig. Luna is definitely top Lady right now, but Hedwig as a young rooster was always challenging this position. It always involved some pecking. It's kind of related to "ruling the roost". Top bird gets choice spot on the roosts and therefore gets to rule!
JiJi, Ebony, and Luna on their first roost
Then there is "Playing chicken". You know - the game where you run at each other and see who "chickens out" first? Apparently that really is a chicken game. The Ladies love to play. I see it most while they are working on the pecking order. You know how it goes - if you chicken out first, you are NOT top bird!
And... "Nesting behavior". I remember before we adopted the Emma and Meghan, I definitely did some nesting. It didn't look like what I see Lacy doing but I get it. Lacy actually makes more of a mess - sitting in the nesting box and throwing shavings everywhere. Me? I was more focused on cleaning up!
Lacy's "nest" in the garden
I could go on and on. There are a few that I think aren't very fair to my Ladies. Bird brain. Dumb cluck. Bad egg. In a Stew. Chicken Scratch. Maybe the people that came up with those didn't have chickens.
Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop! I hope you’ll join us again next week!
Kathy Shea Mormino
The Chicken Chick