Sunday, October 6, 2013

Changes in the Coop

For several weeks we have suspected that we had an imposter in the Ladies' ranks.  Our little Hedwig was growing a comb and wattles faster than we considered Lady-like!  And demonstrating some decidedly unladylike behavior!  We really like Hedwig so it has been hard to acknowledge that we can't keep him.  We've waited a few weeks to see if his inner Lady would show itself...  No - it did not!

Hedwig 4 days

Hedwig 1 month
Hedwig - 2 Months

After consulting with the breeder, Michael, we decided to bring Hedwig back to his first home.  So after some last pictures of our boy, we headed off to Connecticut this morning.  And our decision was confirmed when Michael peeked in the cat carrier -  I mean chicken carrier - and said "Oh yeah!" without the slightest hesitation.

We saw Hedwig off to his new coop where he will be living with a bunch of other English Orpingtons about his same age.  I wish I had captured that reaction on film!   Michael put him in the coop with the others who gave him the hairy eyeball, and Hedwig's look was "Oh Dang, I am not the Big Bird In the Coop anymore!"

So although we've been prepared for the change, the coop seems a little empty without Hedwig puffing himself up and trying to stomp on the Ladies.  Luna never did put up with that though.  She even photo bombed one of his last pictures.  Doesn't his look just say "I just can't get no respect around here!"

I wonder if the Ladies miss him.

In true keeping with my newfound chicken addiction, as soon as we knew Hedwig was going back to his first flock, I had to find a new bird to fill the hole in our flock.  After much debate about whether to add another to the flock or stay at 4, and if we add then what age and breed, I soon found our new Lady.

Lacy is a 6 month old Silver Wyandotte.  While she doesn't add more color to the flock (Luna still provides the only splash of color but doesn't seem to mind that role!), Lacy sure adds some cool feather patterns.  I'm thrilled.  Once I caught the chicken bug and started thinking of my next flock which would be years down the line, I knew I wanted a Wyandotte.  They 're striking.  Lacy came from another backyard flock whose owners were downsizing for the winter.  She seems very sweet and pretty tame.  And she is already laying!!!!   Although she hasn't presented us with our first egg yet.  I guess the stress of the move might delay that.  Scott thinks she may have performance anxiety.  Which could be since Meghan keeps running in and asking "Is she making an egg?"  I think we'll have to work on the lingo!

This is a whole new chicken keeping lesson for us.  When you add a new chicken to the flock, there is a process.  First quarantine to make sure you are not introducing bad things into your flock, then let the old birds see the new bird and vice versa (without the ability to attack one another).  Then let them all share the space and work out the pecking order.  So Lacy is currently in quarantine in a big dog crate in our garage.  She seems happy.  We are trying to give her lots of company so she doesn't get too lonely.  She talks a lot.  A big change from the "Peep Peep Peep" of other Ladies.  Lacy is all about Bok Bok Bwok!  She has a quiet, sweet voice except when she gets her britches in a twist about something.  Then she gets a little raucous.

So quarantine underway - check.  Here's to hoping that introduction to the rest of The Ladies goes well in a few weeks.  But I'm sure that will be another story.

The Chicken Chick


  1. Love the pictures. We are new to chicken raising and we too, have decided not to have a rooster just yet.

    We have a Wyandotte and you are right, they are so beautiful. She is also our bravest one and probably the most independent.

    We blog at

  2. Lacy is a beautiful addition to your flock. I'm sure Hedwig misses you though. :(
    Thanks for linking up with The Clever Chicks Blog Hop!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick

  3. It has taken me a week to introduce a new girl to my flock. She still sleeps in quarantine but I think I try her in the open coop for the night in the next couple of days. That first night makes me a nervous wreck. Good luck!

  4. So fun to read about your adventures with Hedwig and now Lacy. Thanks so much for visiting our blog. I will be visiting as often as possible. It would be easy to keep up with your posts if you would add a "follow by email" gadget to your blog. :) Keep in touch!
    Hummingbird Hollow Hen House
