Thursday, September 12, 2013

If fences make good neighbors what about chickens?

One of my concerns before we got The Ladies was what the neighbors would think.  Our lot is only about 1/4 acre and quite open.  So there was not going to be a way to place the coop so that it would be visible only to us.  We of course did check on our town regulations and all that.  But just because the town allows it doesn't mean the neighbors are going to like it.  And being concerned about upsetting people, I was a little worried.

So after we really decided we wanted to do this we spoke to each of our abutting neighbors.  I was thrilled that not only were they not concerned or upset - they were downright excited!  They have been happy with the coop we have placed and have complemented us on how nice it looks.  Good thing since there's no way to hide it on our little lot!

And yet another gift from The Ladies to us....  the arrival of the chicks helped to foster more of a relationship with our neighbors.

In our life - both Scott and I working and running the girls to and from events, we often don't see very much of our immediate neighbors.  I actually see more of others in the neighborhood when I am out walking the dog.  We live on a corner lot, so have two adjoining neighbors - one adjoining the back yard and one adjoining the side.  Both those neighbors are elderly.  We have always had a friendly relationship with them but just don't see them often.  Mostly we just wave.

The Ladies have changed all that!  After we let the neighbors know we would be getting chicks, they were always checking in with us to see if The Babies had arrived.  And they were the first visitors to see the new chicks.  They have brought grandchildren over to see the chicks, saved lettuce scraps for the growing Ladies, oohed and ahhed over them, and been concerned that we think one is a rooster. No - not because of the noise but because they don't want us to get rid of that chick! One neighbor is particularly excited that The Ladies (and maybe one Gentleman) are spending their day out in their coop and run.  She is anxiously awaiting their official move to full time coop living.  I'm glad she's enjoying them since she has the best view of them.  She reports in on how they do when we're not home.  These are well looked after Chickens!

But it's not all about The Ladies.  As my neighbors stand with me and watch the now pretty big chicks running in their pen, they talk.  They have gotten to know Emma and Meghan a bit more, and shared some of their lives with us.  And they laugh.  That warms my heart.  As I have gotten to know them more, I know those laughs are important!  And just as importantly Emma and Meghan have gotten to know their elders in a different way. 

So I'm thinking Chickens make better neighbors than fences. 

The Chicken Chick


  1. That's wonderful. I'm glad you have good neighbors who appreciate your chickens. Thank you for sharing with the Clever Chicks Blog Hop!

    Kathy Shea Mormino
    The Chicken Chick
