This week I found myself wandering out to visit The Ladies and enjoying the moments of soaking up the sun. It's as if my body is prepping for winter by soaking in all the rays I can. This is my favorite season (closely followed by Spring). I think it's partly because the sun feels so wonderful. Not too hot and not too cold.
As I enjoyed the warmth, I noticed that I wasn't the only one taking advantage of these past few beautiful days. As I sat in the sun watching the Ladies, I heard quite a ruckus coming from the vegetable garden. The bird bath was full! And I mean multiple birds bathing and bunches waiting on the rim! Water flying everywhere! And then I turn back to the Ladies and realized that they were not pecking around like usual. They too were sun bathing! Their version of sunbathing makes me giggle. It's very awkward looking on a good day. And this time they were all trying to sunbathe in the same small spot. 4 would get settled and then one would step on them all. Then they'd shuffle for position again. They didn't seem as amused as I was.
Even Blaze was out from under his bushes, sleeping in the sun (until I came to take his picture!).
It surprises me that I love this season so much. Since I love my gardens and fall is all about the flowers going away for months, I would have though it would be more bittersweet. But it never is. It's a little like nesting - putting my gardens to bed for the winter. Making sure they are cozy and ready for the Berkshire cold that is coming. I'm just itching to start that work but the gardens are telling me they aren't quite done yet. We've had 3 frosts already so I am startled as I walk inspecting the various gardens to see them still trying to show their colors. The ferns are even trying to send out new growth. They are holding on to the dwindling warm days too.
We're even still getting some summer vegetables from the garden. The frost hasn't stopped them.
And the flowers.... Still some summer ones hanging on and the fall ones just beginning.
I'm ready for my fall preparations. But my gardens are not ready for me yet. And the Ladies are doing their own preparations growing their little down parkas without my help. So I will take advantage of whatever beautiful September days I can get, soak in the rays, and watch the change of seasons from the coop!
Your garden is beautiful Jen!