Wednesday, January 1, 2014

New Years at the Coop

Happy New Year!

I love this time of year.  I like reflecting back on the previous year.  What was good?  What was bad?  What did we learn?  What did we have fun doing?  What should we not do again?  Thankfully there hasn't been too much in the "bad" and "do not repeat" columns.

In the "good" and "fun" column was a wonderful trip to Florida for the family.  Emma and Meghan really had a great time and learned a ton seeing a different part of the country.  Some job changes for Scott and I fit into the "good" and "learned a lot" column.  (I purposely didn't make a "Stressful" column!)

But when I think back on 2013 I think one of the things that covers it all is the addition of the Ladies.  It was definitely "Good."  They are fun and entertaining and it brought the four of us together on a common project!  Parts were "Bad" or more "Sad" like Rosey  dying and when we had to bring Hedwig back to the breeder.  But the "Learned a lot" category gets filled right up with The Ladies.  How to modify a coop, how to build a run, how to pick chicken breeds, that there even are different breeds of chickens, how to keep baby chicks alive, how to transition a new chicken into a flock, and how to prepare for winter.  Is there anything we wouldn't do again?  Not that I can think of.  I definitely will get chicks again someday when the Ladies are old and gray (do chickens turn gray?).  And I loved learning the coop/run construction part of the process so would do that again too when it's time for reconstruction or tweaking of the existing design.

The other thing I like about New Years is the thinking ahead.  I'm really not a New Years Resolution girl, but I do like to think of what's on the horizon for us.  2014 is shaping up to be a busy year.  Meg will finish elementary school and start middle school and Emma will officially become a teenager in 2014.  The Girls and the Ladies will participate in their first 4H show.  Since Emma and Meghan so much enjoyed seeing Florida, this year we will venture to another location - Washington DC.  And without a doubt JiJi, Luna, Ebony, and Bella will start giving me some eggs!

A big Happy New Year from the Ladies

The Chicken Chick

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