Monday, August 5, 2013

Travel Day for "The Ladies"

I received notification that the four little chicks have shipped from the hatchery.  They are on their way!  It is very strange to think of these little critters making their way to Massachusetts from Ohio in a USPS Priority Express box.  I have put a call into the local post office and they have promised to call me as soon as the chicks arrive.  I imagine they are quite anxious to hand over packages like this!

The Brooding Pen is all set and just waiting for The Ladies (aka The Babies).  Today's big decision was whether to stick with our original plan to use unmedicated chick starter feed.  After consulting with all our "Chicken Friends", we decided to do a halfway measure.  Instead of doing medicated feed for the whole first 10 weeks we'll do medicated for the first week or two and then switch to unmedicated feed.  It seemed like a good idea given that they are so fragile to begin with.

I managed to master the heat lamp today.  And another "Chicken Friend" advised me on how many marbles to put in the water tray to keep the Babies from drowning.  Apparently chicks are like human babies and are prone to falling asleep in their food and water!   Emma thought that was strange until I showed her a picture of her having done a face plant into her spaghetti when she was tiny.  It seems like babies of all kinds have a lot of similarities!

And the coop took one step closer to being ready.  Thankfully the Ladies won't be ready for the coop for a while so we're not as rushed on that as we might be.  It was a beautiful day though so I got one coat of paint on the coop.  It needs another and then the trim done.  I always wanted to live on a farm!

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