Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Rejoicing in Growth

Today is the first day of school for Emma and Meghan.  Emma is starting 7th Grade and Meghan - 5th.  It leaves me thinking of how fast they have grown up.  And serves as a good reminder to rejoice for them spreading their wings.

It's easier to consider how fast little ones grow up when I think of The Ladies.  Last night the chicks graduated to being without their heat lamp for a whole 24 hours!  And we have started taking them out to their (nearly completed) run for little field trips so that when we move them, it will be at least a little familiar.  Both are huge milestones which the whole family has met with excitement and cheers. 

Jiji, Luna, Ebony, Bella, and Hedwig are doing exactly what they are supposed to be doing.  Learning to take dust baths (think Pigpen from Peanuts), trying new foods, literally spreading their wings and trying them out, jostling for social position, and becoming more independent (ie looking for their own food - grass, bugs, etc).  And they are growing up literally before our eyes.  It's easy to take joy in the growth of the Ladies. 

Jiji at 1 day old
Jiji at 1 Month (yesterday)
I can't even count anymore the times Emma has come running in with a report of some new milestone.  "Mom, Jiji is on the high perch."  "Mom, Luna is taking a dust bath."  "Mom, Ebony just flew to the top of the brooder."  And each time she reports - it is with a great smile of triumph.  There is no sadness that they aren't helpless little chicks anymore.  Of course both Emma and Meg like looking at pictures of the chicks when they first arrived.  They sure were cute!   But even more they like looking at the slideshow of each chicks development.  Celebrating their growth!

So why is it that so often when we think of our children growing up it is with an element of sadness that they are growing so fast?  Today I will focus on celebrating that Emma and Meghan are growing into young ladies. 

Today begins Meghan's last year in elementary school.  Yay Meg!  This morning, Meg showed me how grown up she is getting by getting up and doing all her stuff.  Way to go Meg!  Over the weekend, Meghan played 4 soccer games in the heat and humidity.  She hustled and didn't complain once.  You go Girl!!!  And she is starting to be able to stay home alone for short periods.  I'm proud of you Meg!

Today begins Emma's second year of Middle School.  She has settled in and is ready to be a good older kid to the new 6th Graders!  Awesome, Emma!   This summer, Emma has challenged herself to do new things - overnight camp and new swim team events.  Way to Go, Em!  She has also stretched herself to make some new friends.  Yay Emma!  And she is starting to figure out the whole "think for yourself" thing - deciding what teachers she likes even if no one else does and thinking about whether she should talk to Mom or Dad about something she is worried about.  I'm proud of you Emma!

My thanks to The Ladies for reminding me to Rejoice in Growth

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